- kidney infection for Bobby
- 2nd failed and final attempt at a colonoscopy for Bobby
- being able to sleep through the night for almost 2/3 of this month...HOORAY!!!
- still no new vans available...trying to keep the starter and ramp door working now...hit 193,000 miles this week
- wedding party in TN for Bobby's nephew/completed his quilt 1 day before we left!!
- new set of biddies
- 2 more hens trying to nest
- confirmation there will be no October election
- canned 8 quarts of tomatoes
- peas and eggplants are FINALLY starting to bloom
- Mom is OFF oxygen!!!!
- able to see my Grandma's house before it's possible sell/demolition (house is at least 75 years old)
- walked some of the family property with Dad...we each found 2 ticks
- got to meet my great-nephew Jack for the first time
- my great-niece Lucy received confirmation of her autism diagnosis and level assignment; starts therapy/school a week before she turns 3
- One of Mom's doctors at the lupus clinic has scheduled an appointment...finally...turns out she has not been seeing patients most of the last year because of her own struggles with covid
- In addition to all the appointments with Lucy's doctors, both my niece and her husband have been sick this month. Ellen is improving; Kevin has seen slight improvement and is awaiting biopsy reports.
- helped clean out Mom & Dad's deep freeze
- weeded about 1/2 of Dad's tomatoes
- made pickles
- bought a bushel of corn at the farmer's market and put it up
- found out unless covid spikes much higher, elections training for the November election will be in September and first week of October. Less classes this year. :)
- given up on grape vine wreaths...hauling the vines off next week
Saturday we had a baby shower for Bobby's niece. As I was making the mints, Bobby asked what else was on the menu. After I recited off the litany of items, he responded with "No peanut butter?! This shower is for Hannah! What's she going to eat?" (Hannah has had stomach problems over the years and has been unable to tolerate many foods, but peanut butter has been her staple.) Despite my assurances that she would enjoy the foods we were having, he was adamant that I needed to make peanut butter & jelly sandwiches for the shower. Even though I protested that NOBODY took that to a shower, he persisted, and informed me I could make them dainty with my little cutter. And so I did. To my surprise all but 3 were eaten. Who'd a thunk it?