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Showing posts from April, 2021

The plan

 My small garden space is never large enough for everything I wasnt to plant. So this year I did what the catalogs tell you to do, and I sketched out my garden space. Granted, I didn't measure and plot it out, but just having a plan in place made such a difference. We'll see how things go this year, but I've already got a few ideas on how I can modify things a little next year. All seeds are now in the ground. The brussel sprouts and snow peas didn't go in early enough so I don't know if we'll get anything other than plants from them or not. Hoping to fertilize them this week. I also tried something new this year by planting my peas that climb between corn plants. That cut down on the amount of corn planted but increased the peas. We'll see how it turns out!  On my to do list this week is to figure out a watering system so I don't have to stand outside with a hosepipe for 30-40 minutes every night that it doesn't rain. I have two ideas. Fingers cross


 Mom got home today about 4pm EST.   When Dad called her this morning, she told him to bring her some clothes. She had been up since 1:30AM and was ready to go home. She wanted to be dressed and ready when the doctor came in the room.  I don't think that quite happened the way she wanted. A little before noon she mistakenly sent a text for Dad to me, wanting to know if he was at home because the home health care services would be delivering oxygen to the house before she could be discharged. A nurse should come out to the house tomorrow to check on her and do an evaluation for the insurance to see what she might need. Dad sent us a picture of her at home. She looks wiped out and very sick, but it is SOOOO much better than the picture he sent us the day before he called the paramedics. After we saw that picture, we honestly didn't know if we would ever see her again. (Granted, we still don't know that because we are never guaranteed tomorrow, but there is still the possibili

the waiting game

The ending of March and beginning of April did not go as any of us had dreamed or planned. Long story short: Dad is in quarantine until April 6th. Mom is in the hospital. As of noon today she is fever free and the doctor told Dad she is "much improved". At this point we do know she will be in the hospital at least through Sunday, though it could be longer. The doctors do not think she ever had bronchitis, but that the entire month of March, even before her first vaccine shot, she has actually had covid.  I don't know how they figure that, but I wasn't there for all the tests and explanations, so I'll just take their word for it. She still has headaches, but felt like texting last night and this morning, so we are all so thankful for that. She and Dad face timed this morning, and I think that made him feel a lot better. I am so thankful for modern technology. She did have a plasma treatment, and is going through ongoing breathing therapies. They are hoping to start