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Showing posts from June, 2021

just about done

 I don't remember if I posted or not about the mice and the snake in  my garden. But it was almost enough to convince me that my garden days were over. Thankfully said snake has not appeared in the hen house. But the momma hen who hatched out two chicks this weekend killed a very small mouse in the moveable hen house.  And a small rabbit has demolished my corn field in one week. Four days to be exact. I had about 11 plants that already had ears of corn on them, and 10 of the 11 are now flat on the ground with corn husks everywhere.  And 3 of the stalks that were only 4-5" high have been pulled up/chewed off near the ground. I was already contemplating not planting corn again, and this has made the decision for me.  I imagine I'll always have tomato plants, but not sure what I will do with the rest of the garden. It's crazy. Just crazy.

Is that a real number?

 Monday afternoon three of Bobby's great-nephews came fishing. The youngest is 4 yrs old. When he wasn't irritating one of his brothers, he was keeping up a steady stream of chatter. After one of the boys knocked our bait container into the pond, the turtles began making their way to the pier. When the fifth one popped its head up, he looked at me in amazement and squealed " There's a hundred and a thousand out there! " I laughed and told him there wasn't quite that many. He got quiet, then actually whispered "Is that a REAL number? I know a hundred is, but..." and he shrugged. So we had a math lesson on what comes after 100. For some reason he found it funny that the numbers simply started over. I think he had fun. I'm not sure if he enjoyed catching more than his older brothers (and constantly reminding them of that fact), or just the newness of this "disgusting" activity. It was my first time to really be around him, and he made me