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September first

I was a bit shocked last week when I saw my last project list on the sidebar was from many, many months ago.  And now, today is September!!!

Over the weekend I was determined to make some significant progress on one of the two memory quilts I need to get finished. I decided I would start with the two repair/redo tasks before I started working on one of the new blocks waiting to be pieced. While using the seam ripper, I realized I needed more light and reached up and over to turn on the floor lamp. When I did, the chair tilted sideways. In the fall, my head hit the corner of my longarm frame. Once I finally felt like moving into a sitting position, I reached up to feel my head and my fingers came away slightly red.

I texted for Bobby to come home, and while I was waiting applied a wet napkin to the area. By the time he got home, the bleeding had stopped, but he was able to check a little bit of the area and agreed with me that it wasn't serious. I went to bed with a bad headache, and the morning wasn't much better. I slept off and on most of Sunday, and by Sunday night the larger of the two lumps was almost gone. It is still very tender and there's still one small lump, but as long as I don't touch or brush that area of my head, all is good now.

Yesterday was a bit of a bad news day on Facebook. So many people hurting and suffering in so many ways.  Then during the rain storms last night a lady's car got washed off the road. She was able to call 911 and two water rescue teams came to her aid. They were able to get her and one child into the boat when it capsized, with the child escaping their grasp and going downstream. The other boat also capsized, as well as the next two rescue boats.  Last report I heard they had found the car, without the 2nd child in it, and had recovered two of the rescue boats, but so far had not found either child. All day my hope has been that they are simply unconscious or asleep, but as the day has gone on with nothing my fear is that will not be the case. My heart hurts so much for those first responders. The Clayton Fire Department has had 17 of their members, along with one spouse, out with Covid-19, and one of them is in serious condition in ICU. One of our local news stations interviewed the chief and really angered the community with some of the implications and rudeness of the questions.

Meanwhile there was another police shooting in Wisconsin, where a man was shot 7 times in the back. His children were in the backseat of the car. He is still alive, but paralyzed from the waist down. Personally, I'm shocked he is still living, but so thankful for the children's sake. So downtown Raleigh boarded up as if a hurricane was coming. Some of the storefronts are still waiting on glass windows to replace the ones destroyed back in May. Some stores have said it was too much with the pandemic as well and have closed. The riots came, though thankfully not as bad as before. They did vandalize a police memorial, the courthouse, and a few non-profits that were not boarded up (a drug rehab info site and an alcohol recovery place). They only arrested 14 people, which surprised me as there were well over 200 people out "marching" after curfew.  I use italics around marching because they were carrying umbrellas and attempting to block the tv cameras from showing their attempts at burning trash cans and American flags. They didn't want to be held accountable for the rioting and looting. I'm thankful for the groups who are truly working hard to make a difference and very disgusted with the late night anarchists. I still don't understand why rioting in Raleigh for something that happened in a state far away is even considerable a plausible thing to do. A march while people are outrage and attention is on the issue or meetings with elected officials? Absolutely.  But riots? Against your neighbors who had no more control over the incident than you did?  That just makes no sense to me.

Meanwhile NC State and UNC have cancelled all their undergraduate inperson classes, and students at several universities in our area have been fined, suspended, or even expelled for violating Covid conduct requirements. 

Churches in California are being fined for having services, even though they are social distancing. There are two court cases coming up this month about it. I think they're going to have a hard time explaining why a church can't meet with masks and distancing but protestors can with no social distancing. Both are constitutional rights, and they can't selectively allow one and not the other. 

So a lot is happening in our world.

One a good note, my mechanic got a good cancer report today and the biddies finally figured out how the ramp into the hen house works. It's taken them longer than other hatchlings, but they've finally made it. We both cheered.


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