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if I were rich and wasteful

If I were rich and a Disney princess, I would:
  • Redo the guest bathroom: white walls, red trim, black mickey mouse shower curtain, red rug..or perhaps a Snoopy shower curtain?
  • Pay someone to repair the wallpaper in the dining room
  • Pay someone to paint the study in the way I want it painted. :)
  • Buy one of those monster frames and a quilting sewing machine to go with it
  • Take four big trips a year (shoot, just one big trip would be nice, but since I'm daydreaming, why not make it four?)
  • Have a professional install blinds and valance boxes in the living room
  • Have Bobby's yellow chair from the 70's re-upholstered
  • fly home to see my Mom once a month
  • Have our own private jet that was wheelchair cool would that be?
  • Have a vacation home in the mountains
  • have a time-share at the beach
  • buy the farm across the road from us
  • put cows, donkeys, and horses on that farm for Bobby and hire a foreman to take care of them :) {Hahaha...the British have butlers; southerners have farmhands!)
  • Open a quilt store but only work there two days a week. 
  • Have five different chicken pens so I could raise different breeds
  • I would buy my own publishing company so they'd have to publish my books.
I love daydreaming! But the beeper on the dryer is telling me that my time is up and I need to put myself in gear and get things done before church time.  And if I come to your house and you have a Snoopy or Mickey Mouse shower curtain, I'll do my utmost not to be jealous. :)


Lydia said…
I'll help you make valance boxes. I used to do them for JCPenney when I worked in custom decorating. All you need is a staple gun, fabric, batting and cornice board kits. Or plywood and jigsaw and hardware to put it all up. And I could help you hang the blinds too if you want outside mount. I'm scared of inside mount, afraid I'll mess up the frame and sill. Sorry I can't help with the other stuff- I'd love to try my hand at upholstery though!

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