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My Dad used to get exasperated with us girls, proclaiming us "emotional".  I thought that was a bunch of nonsense. Today, I have to wonder if he might be right (gasp!).

Someone gave me a "project" (a job) a few months ago.  Well, rather, they gave it to my husband to give to me. It wasn't the best of timing. I briefly talked with the person and told them it would be a while before I could get to it. They were fine with it. I have resolved to finish the roughs for this project by today so I can tackle a new job.  It's really simple. Take the sketches they made, apply the design principles, give them the roughs, make the necessary adjustments. That's all it takes. How hard can that be?

But I find it often works more like this: He's not going to like this design. I just know he's not.  He's not going to want anything creative or cool but something old school because that's just how old men are. He says he wants a sketch, more of an illustration, but if I do that then that really ups the time factor and if he wants changes it means REDOING the ENTIRE thing instead of just using a photo or drawing on the computer where I can salvage bits and pieces and cut and paste and modify.  I could sketch it on the computer, but I'm not sure I'll do a good job at that.  It's been a very long time since I did that in class and I never used that skill set on my job and it might take me a while to brush up on those exercises. And what if I do all this work and he doesn't like anything I do at all?  Maybe I should just do some pencil sketches and find out exactly what he wants, how he wants to use this logo, and then I'll know what file formats to use. And...

The reality is, I know this client wants a logo, and wants a header for his company's website. Two different things, but two things that work together.  Both are doable.  So WHY do I allow myself to work my mind up into this crazy tizzy traffic jam of thoughts?  Just do the job!!!

If I were a teenager and this was my homework and I shared these thoughts with my Dad, he would be clinching his jaw, rolling his eyes upward as if asking for divine intervention, then muttering through clenched teeth, "WHY are you making a simple problem so difficult?" before leaving the kitchen table. Nothing like studying history or geometry with my Dad to bring out our differences. And all those years he thought I wasn't listening. :)

So here's to you, Dad.  A simple job, a simple task, and it'll be done by tomorrow. :)


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