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a joyously crazy life

Sunday night I felt strange. By Monday morning I knew it wasn't anything I had eaten but a bug. :O( Today is better. I've actually done some laundry and made a mess of painting. But that's another story.

When I was a child, one of my uncles would tell us girls that if we talked around a centipede or millipede, our teeth would rot out. And he would then promptly point one out. Needless to say, we not only immediately hushed, but we also clamped our hands over our mouths. Years later, I saw the "See no evil; hear no evil, speak no evil" monkeys, and immediately thought of Uncle Charlie and his prank (which to us 8-10 year old girls was the Gospel truth!). Fast forward 10+ years to the clearance aisle at Michael's, where I found a bird feeder/watering statue whose base consisted of frogs doing the "See No Evil..." motions! It stood in our front yard near Bobby's ramp for several years, and then it became an on-going battle with the dogs. I'd stand it up; they'd knock it over. After a week of rain, I finally went out to return it to its upright position, only to find that my mischievous pups had chewed the feet away from the base!!!! Guess they liked frog legs or something.

So last week I bought a bag of cement, made a rough sort of frame, and have hopefully cemented the frog into a heavy base. I'm not sure I placed it deep enough, but time will tell. I still need to paint the frame, but that might have to wait for another week.

Meanwhile, our computer has FINALLY made it to the factory in Kentucky, is in the process of being repaired, and we hope to have it back next week!!!! It'll be so nice to check e-mail from home again!!!


Jennifer said…
and it will be so nice to read more of your blog posts!

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