kidney infection for Bobby 2nd failed and final attempt at a colonoscopy for Bobby being able to sleep through the night for almost 2/3 of this month...HOORAY!!! still no new vans available...trying to keep the starter and ramp door working now...hit 193,000 miles this week wedding party in TN for Bobby's nephew/completed his quilt 1 day before we left!! new set of biddies 2 more hens trying to nest confirmation there will be no October election canned 8 quarts of tomatoes peas and eggplants are FINALLY starting to bloom Mom is OFF oxygen!!!! able to see my Grandma's house before it's possible sell/demolition (house is at least 75 years old) walked some of the family property with Dad...we each found 2 ticks got to meet my great-nephew Jack for the first time my great-niece Lucy received confirmation of her autism diagnosis and level assignment; starts therapy/school a week before she turns 3 One of Mom's doctors at the lupus clinic has scheduled an