Thursday, May 7, 2020

treading among the fearful

Bobby is scheduled for a follow-up procedure tomorrow at Rex Hospital. It will be outpatient, and this time I will be allowed to stay in the waiting room. (If I leave, I cannot return.) Since this time is a scheduled procedure and not an emergency procedure, we've had a few extra hoops to jump through. He had to be tested for the virus (he doesn't have it), his pre-op appointment was done over the phone, and we have to arrive three hours early instead of two (I'm starting to think we're taking an international flight or something) so the tests that would normally be done during pre-op can be done before/during the regular check-in and pre-op.

We will both have to wear masks the entire time, and will have to answer the "safety" questions for the umpteenth time tomorrow. Talking through a mask is not fun. Thankfully this time he is not running a fever so the admitting personnel won't be in a state of trepidation.  And I've already changed out the van seats so I can drive, so we shouldn't have a repeat of a few weeks ago. (When the ER  nurses told me he would be having surgery and then would be admitted and I would not be allowed to stay, I started changing out the van seats. We were not prepared for that and all the tracks were full of dust and straw and leaves from his chair. As I was blowing things out so I could attach the tie-downs for the seatbelt, the dust got in my face and I started my phone started ringing from the ER nurse saying I needed to come inside and get his belongings. And of course I had to answer the safety questions on the phone, which included "Have you been coughing?" I squeaked out a no.)

I hope we do not meet the same receptionist I yelled at a few weeks ago. But if we do, that's okay. I don't think she'll tell me this time that my husband is not there.

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