Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Barrelling into May

In some ways, I feel that I am busier with the stay at home order. Cooking every night requires cleaning the kitchen every night. I'm somewhat enjoying it, though on the days when I have outside work to do the last thing I want to do is come in and cook and clean. We did eat take-out a few nights this past week.

I was so looking forward to being at home for six weeks. Yet with it hitting at spring time when the yard needs work and the garden time begins, my schedule has not been quite as free as I had hoped. The riding lawn mower tearing up hasn't helped my to do list any either.

And yet, between the yard work and health issues, we did have some down time. We watched five movies, which is what we might normally see in a year, and have read some. We're still having church online, and it's been nice to be able to have lunch cooking and check on things not long after church is over.

We had two small chicks hatch in the last few days and we still have three setting hens. That means our egg supply has diminished quite a bit, but we are still getting more than we need.  The sad thing is the two of the last four chicks that have survived are showing every sign of being roosters.  

We have an appointment at Rex this Friday, but thankfully since it is classified as outpatient I will be able to stay in Bobby's room the entire time. The nurses were great two weeks ago, but it was a very unsettling feeling to not be able to be there.

Hopefully pictures will be coming next week!

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