Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Bullet points

  • Proctoring of homeschool achievement tests end today. I'm waiting on the last 2 classes so we can pack things up and prepare to mail, then put one classroom back together.
  • My uncle died yesterday morning. Dorris Parrish was one of the older uncles on that side of the family, but he always spoke to me, even as a child. With a family as large as the Whites, it was easy to feel lost as a child. He would always have a nod, hug, or wave. He spoke truth, even if we didn't want to hear it. Uncle Dorris and Aunt Ovelene would open up their home to the family every summer when I came home from China so it would be easier for me to see everyone. They were so supportive of my parents when Dad became a preacher, and despite the numerous hardships and trials they encountered during their life, they were both as positive as possible until the end.
  • We knew Mom was weaker than usual these last few months, but we find out today when the next test will be. My nephew graduated the end of the month, but we may be making an extra trip to AL.
  • Saw the fox this AM at the pond. By the time I got the rifle and headed to the back porch the dogs spotted him and got in the way. Bobby was amazed that it didn't hurry. I've been telling him I thought the fox knew where the dog's  fence line was. I think this morning confirmed it.
  • I am woefully behind in Project 365. Hope to finish up February's blocks today.
  • A rabbit has fertilized my garden and also eaten the tops off 90% of the green beans in my garden. I might be planting more herbs nearby in attempts to discourage them, but I'm not overly optimistic.

No comments:'s almost March?!?

 10 more months 'til Christmas. This last month has been an absolute blur. Cleaning at Mrs. Bryan's house, cleaning at our house, lo...