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Just put one step in front of the other....

I am tired.  That is actually not my normal lament, but a simple statement. I am happy. I am blessed. I am excited. I am very grateful. But it does not change the fact that I simply have no energy. I don't remember which animated movie has that song Just put one foot in front of the other... but that has been my mantra this week. It's okay if everything doesn't get done. It's okay if we cancel on some things...just keep moving.

Wednesday night Bobby's van overheated on the way home from church. Thankfully we have AAA, which has free towing within so many miles, and their service is 24/7. After three phone calls (or was it four?) and a 2.5 hour wait, we finally got the van to the mechanics and unloaded (loading and unloading were problems due to the lowered floor and the gas tank being in the back), and Bobby and his chair home and unloaded and re-united. Our dogs were very puzzled and confused the last two days. They'd come sit in the garage where Bobby's van parks and lay at the door. When he'd come out to pet them, they'd act very puzzled indeed. I think they were happy when the van came home this afternoon. All is as it should be.

And we had our meeting with the physical therapist AND the representative from the wheelchair company at the same time this afternoon. It was simple; both she and the company rep understood and agreed with his concerns. So now we wait on them to prepare their reports to insurance for approval and then send to the doctor for a prescription. Once that is received, they'll start making his chair. They seem to think we'll have his chair within 2 months. Did you just feel that fresh air rushing by you as you read that? YES!!!! Two months! :) Not 5-6. Not a year. This whole process, start to finish, could conceivably happen in less than three months. Such a different scenario than what we'd been promised several years ago. Granted, a lot can happen between now and then at any step of the way, but having cleared this first new and unknown to us dreaded hurdle (therapists didn't pick out your wheelchair 12 years ago) I'm feeling a lot more optimistic about the whole process. The company rep was familiar with the things Bobby was saying, and didn't act like we were crazy for saying "we specifically need this in a chair".

We even fit in a very brief visit to the library book sale at the fairgrounds. We only had time to browse most of the history/biography section, but we found several books. We joked about going back, but truly, the last thing we need right now is more books.

The rabbit has eaten some of my green bean plants that had sprouted. Not thrilled with that. If it's not raining in the morning I hope to get a little bit of work done there before we head out for an afternoon event.

And a sad but quite funny conversation this week with a friend who is in hospice care in a nursing facility now: I've heard many elderly people make comments when in the hospital or a nursing home about where they are (renting rooms out in their house, a hotel, a family reunion, at college, on vacation, left when a family member had car problems and they're getting the car fixed, etc). But this women asked me why I thought the government was moving everyone into apartments and doing away with the family unit. She was convinced she was there to work (she's bedridden) and that the government is no longer allowing her to live with her husband. That was a new one to me. She was convinced that was how people lived in Russia, and didn't really believe me when I told her that families had apartments or houses in Russia. She informed me that Russians lived in communes because they were communists, and she didn't understand why America was doing the same. It must be because we stopped teaching Home Ec in school. I didn't tell her they still teach Home Economics, but that it's now called Life Science, or something like that. I figured there was no point. And five minutes later she would be totally lucid and asking about a conversation we had four months ago. It still makes me shake my head.

I'm not sure how it got to be the end of the first week of May (achievement tests for homeschoolers came and went this week!!!), but it's here. I don't know if I'll get the grill cleaned, or a quilt project finished and the new one started, or the flower bed re-done. I'm trying my best to simply focus on today.

So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. ~ Matthew 6:34


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