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On Wednesday nights we've been studying the names of God in the Old Testament. Last night was one I knew, Jehovah-jireh (The LORD Will Provide), and yet it couldn't have been a more timely reminder or study.

Bobby and I have two close friends who are both fighting cancer right now, one terminally. I also have a cousin and a blogger friend going through the same battles.  After eating lunch with Wendy yesterday, I knew why she had been SO heavy on my heart last week, and my heart still grieves for all she and so many others are facing.

So it was quite comforting last night to be reminded of God's provisions. As Pastor Mike threw out scenarios at the end of class and we responded with Scripture that supported those claims, it was nice to hear and think of verses that remind us of His presence in the times that aren't the best.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; ~ the first line of Isaiah 43:2.

A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps. ~ Proverbs 16:9
and Psalm 23... and on and on and on.
So this morning, my prayers are going up: that God will provide clarity of thought when the pain is so bad that life seems pointless, for medicine to actually work in the CORRECT way and not have the opposite effect intended, for doctors and nurses with compassion instead of heartlessness, for emotional strength for close family and friends as they undergird and build up, for the freedom to cry and that "peace that passes understanding", for wisdom as a friend to know how to best help and pray, and THANKFULNESS that we serve a God who can bring "beauty from ashes" and loves my friends and their families even more than I do.
I know God's ways are not mine, and how He provides and answers prayers are not always in agreement with my wants. And I think that's why I can grasp the passage that talks about peace no one can understand. It's hard to explain how your heart can be at peace and yet hurt at the same time. And yet it does happen. He does provide, even if it's not in a Santa claus fashion where a wish is his demand.


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