It's interesting how God introduces people into our lives, and then years later those people show up again...and again...and again. It's even more wonderful when you actually like those people and feel a connection. Becky is one of such people. Like refined silver, she has been tried in the fire. And I find her brutal honesty refreshing, and am enjoying this journey with a sister in Christ, even though we've had very few face to face chats. She tagged me in her blog where you have to post 10 honest things about yourself and then tag friends to do the same. So here goes...
I am married to a quadriplegic, who is also my best friend.
- I own 7 hens, 9 geese, 2 beagles, and my husband owns a rooster.
- I've been told I'm stubborn.
- My husband says I would make a wonderful hermit if hermits were allowed to have electricity.
- One of my pet peeves is Christians who deride or belittle mental health issues in the guise of promoting Christ as the healer, then go to the doctor when they are sick.
- I struggle with the clash between Christianity and our culture's definition of a successful woman.
- My list of dream vacations spots are: Alcatraz and those big trees in California, the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, and Israel. (We actually made it to DC last year.)
- The phrase "jack-of-all trades, but master of none" applies to me.
- I dislike going to the doctor more than most people, and the smell of hospitals and nursing homes bothers me. It still shocks me every time one of Bobby's nurses tell me I should be a nurse.
- I think the Bible verse "Man should not live by bread alone..." should be finished with "He also needs chocolate." :) How's that for heresy?