Monday, November 30, 2009

the Jesse tree

A college friend of mine just published in her missionary update that they have passed out all the kits for the Jesse tree to the families who come to their outreach center. Curious, I pressed her for more information and here's the basics:

Using the premise of the advent calendar, the Jesse tree promotes ways for parents to teach their children how Christmas is a fulfillment of Messianic prophecies, starting with December 1. Each night there is a Scripture passage and the family can make or color an ornament that goes with the story. There are paper patterns in a .pdf format that parents can print out, but my favorite picture is below, where the family actually made the ornaments.And here's a sample of the Jesse tree done with paper and paper ornaments:

AND, there's also a book, published in 2005 that details the whole concept in a story form:
If I had children, I think this would be an awesome way to teach the fulfilled Messianic prophecies of Christmas. Here is a link to the devotion schedule for the Jesse Tree, as well as a more detailed explanation: If you choose to do this with your family, let me know if you post pictures and I'll mention you on my blog!

1 comment:

Lydia said...

oooo....another "Christmas" book to add to my list:) We have our own advent calendar but I like this. Maybe next year when I have more time and hopefully more space...we'll see:)'s almost March?!?

 10 more months 'til Christmas. This last month has been an absolute blur. Cleaning at Mrs. Bryan's house, cleaning at our house, lo...