- parents who not only love me, but taught me how to walk in Truth
- family who practice the story of the Good Samaritan, and not just hear it
- my church family
- the rich life of America - adequate roads, vehicles, hotels, restaurants, well-stocked grocery stores, houses with extra bedrooms & heat, etc.
- police & EMS crews - who actually respond to calls in a timely and mannerly fashion
- my job - I'm part-time but still have vacation hours!
- Dr. Pepper
- the diverse beauty in our nation
- the small smidgen of artistic talent humans receive from God, as we display in architecture, design, artwork, etc
- Alabama winning the Iron Bowl!
- my brother-in-law graciously allowing us to crash at his house to watch the Iron Bowl on his nice tv
- my brother-in-law allowing me to quickly use his internet to catch up on things
- a week without internet or cell phones at Mom & Dad's
- a husband who graciously drives 12 hours one way to spend 5 days with his in-laws and never complains!
- and so much more!
Saturday we had a baby shower for Bobby's niece. As I was making the mints, Bobby asked what else was on the menu. After I recited off the litany of items, he responded with "No peanut butter?! This shower is for Hannah! What's she going to eat?" (Hannah has had stomach problems over the years and has been unable to tolerate many foods, but peanut butter has been her staple.) Despite my assurances that she would enjoy the foods we were having, he was adamant that I needed to make peanut butter & jelly sandwiches for the shower. Even though I protested that NOBODY took that to a shower, he persisted, and informed me I could make them dainty with my little cutter. And so I did. To my surprise all but 3 were eaten. Who'd a thunk it?