I forgot this photo was on my camera until I downloaded pics today. We don't normally see a bearded heron (I assume this is a heron). He stayed in the yard for quite some time. Haven't seen him since.
And this. I have no clue what this is. I was trimming limbs this afternoon and at first thought it was a very large piece of bark. I put the handsaw on the limb and realized it had eyes and a leg. I've never seen a bark-looking tree frog before. Guess I need to research them a little more and find out what it is.
And this. I have no clue what this is. I was trimming limbs this afternoon and at first thought it was a very large piece of bark. I put the handsaw on the limb and realized it had eyes and a leg. I've never seen a bark-looking tree frog before. Guess I need to research them a little more and find out what it is.