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All these people keep complaining about the weather and how we don't have spring on social media, and I want to simply shake them. I understand relishing warmer temps and the sunshine, but my sinuses are now in pain mode and won't get any better for several weeks, the spring cold season is now in full force (think people sneezing on laptops during class and having to leave class because they are coughing so bad), my calendar blossoms with the warmer weather and my energy level doesn't. Don't get me wrong. I love watching seeds sprout and new growth on trees and flowers. I love biddies and watching them grow  (and so far we've not lost one to the hawks, though we did lose our rooster Tuesday morning about 3am and I'm more than a little creeped out that something got it out of the garage), and I enjoy all the events that come with warmer weather.  But I feel as if life is hopping by and I simply can't keep up with it all. In the past I've shrugged the feeling off with "well, do what you can as you can" but lately I've had this small niggling feeling inside that it's simply not enough.

And since we've made the choice to start eating healthier, I'm not purchasing Dr. Pepper so the "fizzies" help clear my throat. I did buy extra apple juice so we can drink it warm and some diet ginger ale to mix with grape juice. I'm trying to focus on what we can do and not what we can't.

Saturday wraps up the last of my training. I'm officially finished with teaching and assisting, and that day is my day for being taught. May 8th is the primary. May 12th we begin rebuilding the roof to the chicken pen and the big hen house. The babies are already going in there some so I don't think it will be too hard to move them all in when it is completed. We'll be in AL the end of May for my nephew's graduation and hopefully my Dad's surgery, then a few days with Bobby's youngest sister. By that point produce should be coming in from the garden and my days will no longer be as flexible as I would like.

So I have two more days of "freedom", though since I need to do laundry and swap out Bobby's spring and winter clothes, it won't be quite as free as I'd like! :)


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