This is my last week of teaching classes for the upcoming election, and I must say I've thoroughly enjoyed it. Yesterday, I walked among some of the students during an exercise. Mind you, the class is 2/3 over. A fellow coordinator leaned over her table, took me by the hand, and told me she loved my new blouse. I was baffled, but said "thanks". I asked her how she knew it was new, and she said "You're still wearing your tags." Yes, in my haste that morning, I had grabbed a shirt from the closet I bought on clearance last year, ironed it, wore it, taught in it...and I was still wearing the tag. We tore the tag off, and class went on. Last night, I was disheartened to read news reports out of Houston, TX. It still bothers me so much that I don't even want to post it here. But I will say this, America is not the same country I learned to love growing up. And it breaks my heart.