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heat frenzied thoughts

There's nothing like feeling hot while cutting grass, especially while weed-eating or using a push mower. All kinds of crazy thoughts run through your mind, like downsizing to a house with a tiny yard, a town home that only has enough room in the yard for a tiny "city" garden (what my Mom in law calls container gardening) and a patio, or an apartment complex that's super nice and has its own laundromat and swimming pool, both indoor and outdoors. 

Don't get me wrong. I love our fruit and nut trees, our garden, our chickens and pond (and sometimes I even love my crazy dog). But when I'm hot and tired and the work seems endless, it can be more than a bit overwhelming. And during these times, thoughts of adding another animal or produce/fruit bearing thing is paramount with insanity.

And as each year passes, I'm slowly starting to comprehend with a small ounce of compassion the old people who mourn on television that they've lost everything they've ever worked for. When you sweat and bleed, fuss and fume over your house and yard for twenty plus years, the phrase "I've invested my whole life in it" makes a little more sense.  I still think it's wrong to have your heart so heavily invested in material objects that you're in the depth of despair should you lose them, but it would seem like a lot of work done for nothing should we suddenly move or lose the property.

And with that said, I'm headed back outside to cut grass.


Jennifer said…
are you push mowing your grass? I love mowing our grass, but we have a rider this year, thankfully. don't wear yourself out!!
Lydia said…
I go back and forth with wanting to be a farm gal or a townie. So much to love about wide open spaces AND small yards with walls around them. LOL! Too bad there is no having both at once....

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