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It seems like yesterday I was frantically realizing April was upon us, meaning I had a passle of kids coming to play for a morning (we host all the jr church age kids almost every spring for an Easter party). The crazy thing is that I was tired. Not sleepy, but exhausted, as in every thing I did required twice as much energy. We got through the party. And this week? My blood pressure has spiked out of control again. Today has been the best day so far, but I've still got a ways to go. I gave myself 2 weeks to attempt to corrall it again, and agreed that if I was unable to do so, then off to the doctor I'd go and would submit to taking medicine for it. (Do you know how much I both hate going to the doctor AND taking medicine of any kind?)

I thought the rest of the month would be routine things (prep for the May election, homeschool testing), but yesterday I received a phone call asking me if I was still available to work early voting. I hesitated, then said yes. It will be an on-call basis as opposed to all 9 days, which I think I like a little better, but that also means I have to do yet another training session, and it's 8 hours this Saturday. A part of me is glad. One of the things I don't like about being a coordinator is that I'm not actually doing the job and feel a little out of the loop on election day as I troubleshoot and supervise. The extra training, and hopefully a few work days, should help me feel a tad more comfortable in addressing situations on the actual election day. I believe in what we do, and I think it's important for citizens to do their part in keeping our democracy active and honest. But at the same time, there are days when I think this will be my last year as a poll worker. The job itself is not hard, but the hours are long and tedious. I can only imagine how tired of everything the families of officials running for office must be.

Meanwhile, I'm reading the Hunger Games. I like the fact that the characters are well-rounded and not quite so static as Lord of the Flies, but having read an interview with the author also makes me question a lot of what I'm reading. Knowing that many of her premises are based off of 9/11,  the Iraqi War, and reality tv, it makes me wonder if certain characters are based on President Bush. Given the fact that she's also a writer for television, I found it quite ironic how she described the people in the capitol (can we spell Hollywood?) and the rest of the nation's view of them. So far I'm finding the first and the third book to be the best, with the third also being the hardest to read.

And, I had a chance last week to have a lesson on a large quilt machine (the kind that uses a frame). I hope to go back next week and rent it to finish a quilt top.

 So after next week, if I'm silent through May, you know I've been called in to work at an early voting site  or am frantically trying to stay afloat on some projects. Life has way of doing that.


Jennifer said…
Jack takes medicine for blood pressure.....although his is not out of control, it has helped other problems and I think it might help you too:)

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