For some bizarre reason, there are some of us placed on this earth to be mosquito food. Mind you, that is not our sole purpose, but it is definitely high up on the list. I've met a few others like me - you can go outside in almost any weather and within seconds hear the buzz. Sure enough, when you go inside, little red or white lumps are amassed any place skin has shown. Meanwhile people like my dear husband can be outside the same amount of time, at the exact same time, exposing the same amount of skin AND NEVER GET A BITE. My little sister was the same way. Which leads me to my very unscientific and untried theory. Naomi and Bobby both are salty over sweet eaters. Given a choice between potato chips and chocolate, they'd both take chips. Well, Bobby might take both. Present them with either buttered popcorn or chocolate, they'd take the popcorn. Me? Chocolate. Anyone who knows me wouldn't even ask, they'd just offer the chocolate. So my warped mosquito theory is that there is something genetic going on here that makes my body crave sweet things, and maybe that is why mosquitoes crave me.
And for those of you wondering, yes, I'm writing this having had little sleep and also having had real sweet tea at supper tonight. Caffeine can do wonders. Whether those wonders are good or bad we'll save for another discussion.
And for those of you wondering, yes, I'm writing this having had little sleep and also having had real sweet tea at supper tonight. Caffeine can do wonders. Whether those wonders are good or bad we'll save for another discussion.