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Carolina BBQ

Eastern Carolina BBQ is okay - if you like vinegar. I can eat it if it's served, but if it's one of many choices on the table, it is NOT what I'd pick. We have had several "pig pickin's" at our house, and my word of advice to all NC transplants - the home stuff is a hundred and one times better than the mess they serve in the restaurants.

Which leads me to Carolina BBQ - located on Hwy 70 in Garner. It has a down-home country diner decor, they have family style meal plans, and reasonable food prices. But don' t go there on a Sunday or you won't be able to find a place to park. I think their food is absolutely terrible, though most of my in-laws would disagree. Most of their veggies are okay, though they're all fried. Well, their coleslaw isn't, but like their barbecue, it tastes like vinegar to me. And their potatoes are served in their barbecue sauce. I've had a few times where my non-fried vegetables (green beans, brunswick stew, yams) on the vegetable plate were all served cold. So the next time I gave the chicken pastry a try. It was okay. Then the second time I tried it (on a Sunday, of course) the waitress spilled it all down the front of my dress. Thankfully, since they are so popular on Sundays, Bobby can no longer find a place to park there, so his family doesn't eat there on Sundays anymore. (major sigh of relief) I tried their barbecue chicken once, expecting a thick, aromatic sauce, and was quite disappointed when it was delivered with oily vinegar and red pepper flecks.

You want barbecue in NC? If you can't head west, where it is tomato based like the rest of the world, then try Danny's BBQ in Cary, or Holy Smokes in Garner. Both places serve a variety of meats and your choice of sauces - the best of both worlds for mixed marriages!


Jennifer said…
can you help my mix marriage? I don't like BBQ at all!! To me, a BBQ means that you are cooking hot dogs and hamburgers!!
Lydia said…
I see we have quite a few mixed marriages...The first time Rich took me to NY, his mom said she was taking us out for BBQ. Imagine my surprise when I realized that BBQ to a NYer means "cooked outside on a grill". I've lived in NC since I was 14 and I love some good old vinegar based BBQ (with red flakes!) -laughing:)
Lydia said…
and fried okra. Ok, so I love anything fried, even corn. My sister likes deep fried pickles. We're not skinny girls, obviously:)
sara said…
I totally agree with you, meat with vinegar and red pepper is not bbq!!!! Do you ever get the Lloyds bbq from the grocery store? That is my king of BBQ! Thick red sweet sauce!
sara said…
I meant to say my KIND of BBQ (I need to proof read)
Lydia said…
I know you meant that that was the KING of all BBQ:)

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