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The other day at work we were discussing the homeless men who frequent 1010/401. One of the three will periodically change his sign to list his various ailments. One day he simply wrote, Please Help. Disabled. It really made me mad. If he's well enough to stand at an intersection for several hours and hobble in and out of the car lanes, he could sit or stand at any of the various dry cleaners who always have a HELP WANTED sign and receive the clothes, throw them in the basket, and pin the tags on them. That doesn't take much more strength than holding a sign all day. While it might not give him a home, it would provide for his meals and basic necessities.

One of my co-workers was driving down Hammond Rd (which turns into Timber Dr), when she saw a homeless man at an intersection. She had just ordered a combo meal at Wendy's, and thought, "I really don't need my fries." She had already taken a bite out of her cheeseburger. She rolled her window down, and handed the man her fries. He looked at her, and said "No thank you. I don't eat fries. But that cheeseburger sure does look good." She stared at him a minute, pulled the fries back in her window, and rolled up her window. He continued to rant, "Must be nice to have a cheeseburger. I sure would like to have a bit of cheeseburger."

Now, I know the Bible says we're to go the extra mile, but somehow I'm like my coworker...that's just plain wrong. I whole-heartily agree with the Biblical principle that if a man doesn't work he doesn't eat, and this extreme pickiness of a beggar just seems absurdly demanding. I told Bobby the other day that in two years of working at MBC, I've yet to drive past that intersection without being greatly disturbed and bothered. And his response was "I hope you never get indifferent to such situations." Maybe he's right, but I think I'd feel a whole better if I just had a reasonable solution about what to do.


Lydia said…
Maybe he's allergic to potatoes...You and Bobby really remind me of Rich and myself. I want to give everyone excuses and the benefit of the doubt, (and usually wind up getting hurt in the process), while Rich plays it safe and is not quite as trusting or giving. It's sad, but I think Rich might be right. But then again, the Bible never says to help others only if they are working or trying to get themselves out of their pit. It simply says to "love your neighbor." Maybe through our unconditional love we can win someone for Christ...this would be a good thing to debate in a group:)
Jennifer said…
We just had this discussion with Joshua. We told them never give them money, give them food or a gift card to McDonalds (they are at the exit ramp by the 42 McDonalds too). I never give them anything because I know they are buying alchol.
Monica said…
2 Thessalonians 3:10; and I think there are some OT parallels as well...I don't mind helping someone who's homeless if they truly want help; but not someone just wanting a hand-out
Yeah, I gotta hand it to God. He knew what He was doing (imagine that!) when He put us together to make one whole/flesh. Everyone who knows me knows I'm the "law" while Lydia is the "grace." So together we make a great evangelism team! I stuff a tract in their hands and hit them over the head with God's law and then Lydia steps in to dispense God's grace. ;-)

Soli Deo gloria!
Lydia said…
This is such a good post, Monica. I've really been thinking about it. We'll talk tomorrow on the way to RRM about some of my feelings. I really struggle with WHEN to stop helping others if they aren't doing anything to help themselves. Should we just let them go? Of course, they can always find another gullible person like me, but maybe that next person won't talk to them about heavenly things...

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