10 more months 'til Christmas. This last month has been an absolute blur. Cleaning at Mrs. Bryan's house, cleaning at our house, lots of thinking and brainstorming and rearranging, appointments upon appointments, sinus infection/allergies, Bobby's surgery, meeting with surgeon and finally agreeing to future outpatient surgery for me, ongoing updates from my parents, garden tilled and snow peas, potatoes and beets planted (and yes I left several rows empty between the potatoes and beets for something else to go later as a buffer), chickens are laying, we may have a broody hen..in FEBRUARY!!!, we have two roosters that need to disappear, lots of family have been in from out of town to assist with the sorting and cleaning at Mrs. Bryan's house, and somewhere in the midst of it all I've found time to pay bills and catch up on a few emails. While I no longer feel like our house is a disaster zone, it is still overwhelming. Years ago a friend posted a quote by Martin Lut...
The best laid plans of mice and men 'oft go awry. ~ Robert Burns Several years ago many of us bloggers posted a project for each month as a way of challenging us to get some things done. I did accomplish quite a bit that year, but I also found it a bit stressful. I was both surprised and relieved to find others felt the same way. So this year my plan was to have one major project or goal to accomplish every two months. I was making progress. I honestly thought I could finish a non-fiction book I've been attempting to read the last two years before the month was out. We finished picking up pecans at our house and most of Mrs. Bryan's house so we could get them to the sheller. I had planned to pick up all the sticks in the yard from the last few storms and till my garden to have ready for planting next week. But on Monday, January 23, when we called Jean (my mother-in-law) to see if she wanted to ride along as we took ours and hers pecans to be shelled, she didn't an...